Monday, November 30, 2009

knitted star ornaments

I was looking through The knitters almanac and had to knit a few stars with my leftover yarn.
They knit up so fast-I know there will be more to come.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful.
So much to be thankful for....
so much holiday knitting going on...I'll post pictures this week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

new hat for the shop

I bought this yarn from Etsy last weekend and love it!
It's from moonlightandlaughter.
I wanted to add some new colors and some varrigated yarns to my hats.
I hope to have good luck with my shop in the coming months.
wish me luck

Saturday, November 14, 2009

mom solo

(spray watercolor on paper leaves)

My husband has gone to Romania for a week and he took my camera!!

Mattie misses him the most, she has cried EVERY day since he has been gone-and I am just trying to keep with the routine of our day and give them a little extra lovin.
I spent the morning shopping on Etsy and bought a whole new batch of yarn to make some more hats. (This week I am going to try listing some Pixie style hats)

I love reading blogs-I love getting a little glimpse into the lives of complete strangers.
This week I will post some of the new blogs I've been inspired by.

Until then, wish me luck-2 days until the old man comes home.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I knitted these bears yesterday while watching football-pattern can be found here.